Monday, December 8, 2008
"Wheels Come Off" Online
Still a mess of work to be done, the artwork rigamarole, pressing and other release options like download cards, which a lot of bands are using as a cheaper alternative to producing CDs. (Editorial aside: would you be more likely to buy a CD, or a digital download?) Expect the full EP to surface early on in the new year.
In the meantime, because we love you, the lead track "Wheels Come Off" is available now for streaming and download at MySpace and ReverbNation. It's a bit of a soaring, brilliant beast, a six-minute slab of all the new band can do. Check it out, and let us know what you think! Plenty more to come....
Monday, December 1, 2008
Final mix-down at Iguana
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Demo of "The Real Heart" up at MySpace
I can tell you that the EP is close, but you may not see it till the new year. We've got five super-solid tracks coming together, that are 90% done, but there's a lot of finishing and finesse in that final 10%.
You can get a sneak peak at one of the songs at my MySpace page. This is a production demo of "The Real Heart". The final version will sound similar, but with new vocals, drums, bass, guitar, etc. etc. So yeah a totally different song! Nah, it'll be close. Just more polished.
I'm really enjoying working with the band, bringing Zack on drums and Scott on bass into the collaboration Marc and I have been developing over the past few years. The end result should be pretty cool. And a wee bit massive!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
In the running for RedGorilla
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Toronto Exclusive Magazine Awards
All of Us Cities has been nominated for Best Rock Album of the year in the Toronto Exclusive Magazine Awards! Nifty. Adding to the fun, "I'm the Decider" was also nominated for Best Rock Song. Toronto Exclusive is hosting a fun award celebration on Wednesday, October 22nd at the Smiling Buddha (961 College Street), starting at 8pm. We'll be there to join in the festivities. Nice to see the record's still getting good notices. For full details about the gig, check out the Toronto Exclusive site.
We're nearly finished our upcoming EP. Expect some pretty wicked new songs coming your way in the next month!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Daniel Pearl World Music Days
In 2002, journalist and musician Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan. In honour of his memory, Daniel Pearl World Music Days has been created to bring together harmony, music and humanity. In October, a wide array of performances around the world will be dedicated to Daniel, drawing on the power of music to create cross-cultural understanding. You can find out more about the foundation's concerts at Whether you're an artist or no, you can join in by submitting music, art, photos, poems, stories and reporting of World Music Days events at their site, to become part of an eStage.
Vote at Home Grown Video

New York's Home Grown Video is featuring the video for "The Prisoner", where we're getting some nice airplay. You can check out their MySpace page, and vote for Luke Sneyd there for Artist of the Month to help us pick up more play!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Future Stars on Radio Crystal Blue Tonight
*Click the yellow 'mic' button on the station page during the time the show
airs live. This opens the listening window. Radio Crystal Blue is a 4-5 hour
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Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tattoo Rock Parlour!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Coming up.... Tattoo Rock Parlour!

We're playing Tattoo Rock Parlour in Toronto, Wednesday, September 3rd. Opening are Mike Celia and Fourlines. Doors at 9pm, cover's $5. The place is at 567 Queen Street West. Sign up for the show on Facebook! It's gonna be wicked - we're breaking out a few of the new tracks we've been working on in the studio, as well as your All of Us Cities faves.
Le Giggage
Looking forward to playing the Live Lounge tomorrow night in Ottawa, courtesy of Live 88.5! C'mon down and check us out, Friday, August 29th, doors at 8:30pm, cover $8. We're appearing with Marc Charron, Tara Holloway and Grace Over Diamonds. Should be a very cool show.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Andrew's Rock Blog
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
What the hell we're up to....
There'll be some samples of tracks coming soon. Right now we've started work on what's either a very long EP or a very short album, depending on your point of view.... One track we've broken out live a few times called "Wheels Come Off" is a rolling romp about plans gone awry. But man it's going to sound a bit different from those first live approximations! I'm pretty excited to be back in the studio, especially working with a few new collaborators this time around. Marc's signature production will be in full effect, but I think there's going to be more oomph, more rockness igniting the epic complexity. Zack's drums are pure thunder, and Scott's bringing some great melodic bass-lines to the table. I'm babbling, but you'll know what I'm talking about soon enough.
Here's a figment of studio life....
Into the Semi-Finals on OurStage
Thursday, July 3, 2008
"Waiting" and "The Prisoner" are making an impression on fan-voting site Just a few days after uploading, "Waiting" is sitting pretty at #2 in Pop, and "The Prisoner" is #4 in Indie Rock. Sweetness!! Who knows how long they'll hang on, but a little recognition is always fine. The site's pretty cool, and a great way to discover new bands. As a fan, you can just sign up and immediately start rating stuff. Winners are decided monthly. We'll see what July holds...!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Get on the list for the Sneaky Dee's show!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Pied Piper of 500
Cool things can happen in rehearsals, too. We got together on Monday, running through the set for our upcoming Hamilton gig. We'd had a layoff for a couple of weeks, but the playing was tight and the energy solid. Halfway through the set, Zack noticed some weird volume swells during "Dallas". We didn't think much of it, and plunged into "Waiting", which we haven't touched in a month or more. The tune rocked! Even better, as the last chord rang out, we had a new surprise. A couple of people were hovering behind the caged security door, digging our set. One girl piped up they'd heard us from the street, and walked into the warehouse complex to find where the tunes were coming from. They tried a few doors, accidentally setting off an alarm (hence the weird volume noises Zack had picked up on!!), before finding the right way into our space. Then they hung out in the alcove behind the barred door, just listening. Awesome. If you guys find this, we'll have another Toronto show booked soon - keep checking!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
New Vid in the Works!
What're you looking at, you say? Is this Where's Waldo 3D??
Nope. What we have here is a still from the planning for the next Luke Sneyd video! I'm teaming up with Paul Thompson again, after the fab work he did on "The Prisoner". This time, instead of rockin' out to multiple me's, Zack and Scott are gonna be making an appearance. And where we'll all be apparating to is a miniature land that time forgot. The track's gonna be "Waiting". We're just working it out right now, but it should be pretty cool. Shooting will begin in the next week or so....
Saturday, May 24, 2008
"The Prisoner" Live Clip
Write-up in The Record
Check out Jason's article here.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
"Waiting" on Radio Crystal Blue
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008
"Escape Clause" Fans-Only Exclusive Download!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Top 10 at
Monday, March 17, 2008
iRadio L.A. digs it!!
Let's hear it for LaLaLand!
iRadio L.A., a big internet radio station based in Los Angeles, is picking up All of Us Cities for airplay. The album's starting to get rotation on local campus radio, too. All in all, pretty nifty.
Sooo..... have you bought a copy? ;p
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Request "I'm the Decider" on XMU
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Catchin' up with
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Fuck Family Day!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Pronunciation Guide
Hahaha! Well..... good to be up there on the Radar Report on XMU. And cool that they picked "I'm the Decider" to play. The band's been into the track from the beginning.
Still, people persist in pronouncing my name "snide". No fault of the host, Billy Zero. I didn't tip him off or anything. But. Just 'cause there's a "y" in there, don't let that "iiii" fly! It's Sneyd, like "sneeeed", like the golfer, Sam Snead (I don't know either - it was a long time ago apparently!). Like you bleed, cut on some sharp weed, and you've got to bandage it with a scrap of tweed. If that doesn't twirl your beads, you can always play with "snade" although the thrill fades the more it's said.
If you find you're stuck, vowels bouncing in your blunted brain, just ask yourself, what would about-to-be-traded Leafs Captain Mats Sundin do? After all, he's a Swede.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Kewl! I'm going to be featured on the XM radio station XMU, on The Radar Report. It's a show dedicated to rising unsigned artists with a strong audience in the States and Canada.
The show's going to air on Thursday, February 21st, at 10pm ET. It'll air again on Friday, February 22nd at 2pm ET and Saturday, February 23rd at 6am ET. The show airs on XMU, XM Radio Channel 43, XM Radio Online and Direct TV Channel 831. For those of you who don't have an XM account, no problem! You can register for online access here, and get a free 14-day trial. Then you'll be able to launch the XM player on your computer and check out XMU Channel 43.
Check it out to see what track the Radar Report's host, Billy Zero, picks for airplay!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Live at the Horseshoe
Friday, February 15, 2008
Open Hearts Pics
So last night was Open Hearts, the benefit gig in support of Amnesty at the El Mocambo. Fun show. A good gamut of bands put on a great night for the intrepid souls who opted out of the usual Valentine's shenanigans. I got to break out the Sneyd band v. 2.0, which was solid as far as cherry-popping on stage goes! Lindsay's decided to follow her muse with Classic Albums Live, and Marc was down in NYC for a photoshoot, so it was up to les amis de Zack to save the day. Stepping up to the plate, one Nestor Chumak on guitar and Scott Hannigan on bass. Oh, and my trusty iPod nano to deliver some crucial backing bits. The boys delivered, as you can partially see below (Nestor's preferred spot was lurking behind a column that occupied most of stage right, hence he is sadly shotless. This time!).
After our set, Joel Lightman and his band put on a head-boppin' set of rollicking piano pop. Good stuff! They were followed by the Hallelujah Drummers, a Moroccan drum ensemble who did a brief but thumpin' good passel of percussive playing. (I know, but it was so fun to type....) then came Chris Bottomley and Brainfudge, a slow-groove funk band that was ultra-tight and dance-floor inspirational, and last up was headliners and event organizers Blurred Vision. A good time was had by all, for a very good cause.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Niagara Knows
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Flight the Future?
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Open Hearts Show in Support of Amnesty International

Open Hearts is a Valentine's show at the El Mocambo in Toronto with all proceeds going to support Amnesty International. Should be a very cool gig! On the bill is Blurred Vision, Joel Lightman, Chris Bottomley & Brainfudge, and yours truly.
Tickets are $15 at the door / $10 with a can of food. Thursday, February 14th. Doors at 8pm.
Floor Clearer
Wow. Elvis Monday is a classic Toronto institution. The night's open-door policy leads to some pretty execrable bands hitting the stage though. Its sheer randomness is part of its charm, but sometimes finding good music takes on lottery-odds proportions.
Our end-of-night slot gave us a fine vantage point for the surreally inclined. Lindi Ortega opened things up, and she was great! Country-inflected honey-suckle pop in a very spare performance. Good stuff. Next up was the very eclectic Allie Hughes. Interesting, jazz-inflected art-rock, kind of like if Tori Amos had studied opera and was given to moments of periodic punk Tourette's.
From there it was a war of attrition as the bands did their best to clear the room. In short order, we ran an indie-art-punk gauntlet from People of Canada to K Controllers to Gangrene and Blue. People of Canada is a one-man oddity featuring Alexander Jarvis Squire chirping tunes about garbage day and getting your prostate checked, while strumming an out-of-tune processed ukulele. Cute and quirky, especially if your desire is to see the closest thing to Tiny Tim we'll have in our lifetime. K Controllers were a raw indie duo in semi Jack and Meg mode, except for a laptop providing programmed beats. They were okay for the four songs they played. Then came Gangrene and Blue (the other pic here). Words cannot do them justice. Picture a half-dozen college boys in the common room of their dorm, banging on bongos, hooting on a recorder, jangling teeth-jarring tuneless guitar chords as their self-appointed Jim Morrison in a Bill Cosby sweater guru mumbled incoherently into a mic. Astonishing - really, check their Myspace for a taste. Adam, the beleaguered sound tech, let the nightmare unspool for three grinding ten-minute dirges before cutting them off at the knees. But the damage was done.
We hauled our gear onstage for the bravest souls who somehow endured that ungodly barrage. We barreled through a tight set, made some new friends, and consoled ourselves that well, I think we're still trying to console ourselves.
You win your fans one at a time, they say. This time it was literal.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Rehearsal Before the Drake Gig
Sunday, January 27, 2008 Interview on Facebook
Over on Facebook you can find an interview Lindsay and I did on The interview's from last September, just before we played the Great Canadian Band Challenge gig at the Hard Rock. It's amusing to hear the hosts say "you guys are gonna win for sure", seeing as we didn't, but hey, it's still a pretty good interview! Check it out on my Facebook Fan Page.
There's also a really raw demo of "The Prisoner" up there, that I recorded solo in Garageband. It's rough as fuck, but if you like hearing the genesis of an idea, that's as primordial as they come!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
All of Us Cities - About the album

The album was a lot of work. Like nearly two years. I recorded it with Marc Koecher producing, out of his west end basement studio. We got into a great groove, working every couple of nights, getting together to lay down the bits and pieces that would take shape as All of Us Cities.
We first met when I was making a short film with Paul Thompson, a buddy from the Cinema Studies program at U of T. The flick was called Where the Wild Things Go. It was a sombre mood piece, a twenty-minute serial killer thriller about a bar infamous for its nefarious clientele of mass murderers. Marc approached us via an ad we'd posted on the internet calling for crew. He was interested in doing the soundtrack for the film, but we were nowhere near that stage. A year later, the film complete, we reconnected. Following Paul's suggestion of a score in the vein of Bernard Hermann (Psycho, Taxi Driver), Marc put together a fantastic string soundtrack that propelled the latter half of the film with an energy that was both spooky and convulsive. We also needed some background music for the bar scenes, something jukebox appropriate. I dug into my grab-bag of dusty demos and came up with a track called "Stay Too Long". Marc and I did a rushed collaboration to lay it down, but more important we set the stage for the album that would come.
With the film wrapped up, I sent Marc a mess of demos in the fall of 2005. Among them were the early demos for "The Prisoner", "Starstruck" and "Dallas", as well as a few others that fell by the wayside. As we began recording, I laid down most of the guitar tracks and the vocals. I enlisted Chris Osti of The Action Mob and The Hugh Dillon Redemption Choir to play bass. I knew Chris from previous Toronto bands, me in Mountain Mama and him in Audiobomb. Chris was great, happy to help out and a solid guy. The bassline that he and Marc put together for "Starstruck" is a testament to great, simple melodic playing. Chris moved on to other projects as Marc and I toiled away. In the end, Marc played bass for eight of the tracks that made All of Us Cities, as well as keys, synths, a few extra guitars here and there, and some incredibly realistic drum programming. Yeah. Those drums are programmed. Zack, my drummer now, was impressed when he found that out.
Recording was long, but deeply satisfying. Trudging through bitter winter, blustery thaws or the burnished heat of summer, there was a steady, cyclic rhythm to our work. Now it's done and there's a whole new slew of work to be done, putting a band together and gigging and spreading the word and letting the synchronicity of things just happen.
But as to that record, All of Us Cities, my deep gratitude to Marc for all his work in helping to realize such a solid album. Thanks to Chris for his help, to Tim Branton for his great mastering job at Joao Carvalho, to William Mokrynski for his brilliant photography that adorns the cover, and to Will Skol for a clean, understated CD design.
Now I'm just pushing the record, like a paper-boat on the water, waiting to see if this fragile craft catches the stream.
Day In, Day Out

Yeah I quote Bowie songs from time to time. My referential habit is pretty haphazard at best.
So my friends are always asking me, how do you spend your days anyway? (Stop squirming, KC!!) This is as good a response as any....
Sitting at my computer, making bizarre images for no reason. Which ultimately wend their way onto some site or other to help further the cause. You can see my office assistants Rocky (in red) and Arnie (in metropolitan black) are hard at it too. It's a demanding life, I tells ya.... Here we can safely say is my peaceful harbour as I throw the bricks around that might one day assemble a rockstar-ish edifice. Either that or I'm taking one hell of a long vacation!