It don't come easy, this creating things thing. Oh sure, slap a guitar on me and I'll write three new songs before you can say "supernumerary dishtowel". The music part, that is. But the words part, that's harder. Finding the emotion, the pattern or sometimes just the patter, the jibber-jabber that brings those threshing chords alive, that takes some serious work. And then there's working up the music, building a song that's more than some jangles and a tremulous voice.
I wrote my last blog post when we were starting work on our new EP. That was in August. It's now December. That time just got sucked up like a whirly-gig cow, all moos and spastic limbs in a tornado's tumult. Except I barely noticed the time slip away. Three months later, the work's grown, deeper, broader. What started as a 3-song demo is now a cool dozen tracks in various gestative states, this one nearly fully formed, that one a speck scarcely visible to the human eye, with all variations between. But they're not frozen, preserved, floating in jars just yet. These babies are in flux.
We're working on a track "Young Love" that's gonna be pretty cool. But damn if we don't change the opening to the song every day. Subtle variations, pulling things in and out like a manic switchboard operator. We're booked for mastering in about 10 days, and there's a crazy amount of detail to sort out, just for four little songs. Striving for masterpieces in miniature, that's the beauty of pop music.
I'm really looking forward to sharing these songs. They're epic, personal, charged and meticulous. Zack's drumming is urgent and intense, Marc's production layered and rich. If you haven't already, check out the demo for "Desdemona" at our MySpace Now if we can just glue those last corners in place, go easy on the sprinkles, and get some fucking music out there. Sweet Jesus it's about time. It's always about time.